AICPA & CIMA Conference on Current SEC and PCAOB Developments for finance and accounting teams

AICPA’S LGBTQ+ Initiatives Committee’s 2022 Pride Video

Nov 07, 2022 · 4 min watch

What does Pride mean to you? In this video created for Pride month 2022, members of the LGBTQ+ Initiatives Committee share what matters most to them about LGBTQ+ inclusivity and why they celebrate Pride, including honoring LGBTQ+ individuals who have come before them and welcoming those who will come after them. The AICPA LGBTQ+ Initiatives Committee was created in 2021 and is dedicated to creating safe, inclusive spaces for LGBTQ+ individuals within the accounting profession. Members of the committee are volunteers who work in the accounting profession and are committed to LGBTQ+ inclusivity. This video was created for Pride Month in June 2022.

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