188bet亚洲真人体育下载 Panels Submit Comments to GASB on Revenue and Expense Recognition


两个 American Institute of CPAs (188bet亚洲真人体育下载) panels recently submitted comments to the 政府al 会计 Standards Board (GASB) on its Invitation to Comment (ITC), Revenue and Expense Recognition. 的 primary objective of the ITC is to obtain stakeholder feedback on the development of a comprehensive revenue and expense model for state and local 政府s.

State and Local 政府 Panel4月26日 , provided feedback on all of the various models of revenue recognition presented by GASB in the ITC. 然而, the Panel indicated its strong support for the “alternative model” which distinguishes transactions as exchange or nonexchange and then applies a performance obligation recognition approach for exchange transactions.  的 Panel cited the notion that 政府al funding intuitively falls into exchange and nonexchange categories and its interest in aligning recognition of exchange transactions to other standard setters by means of a performance obligation approach. Representatives of the Panel will participate in upcoming GASB hearings on the topic.

同样,抽搐的 四月二十四日的信 supported the exchange/nonexchange model. 抽搐 noted that the issue of classifying a transaction as exchange or nonexchange is consistent with the FASB grants project. Grantors and grantees would benefit from a review from both sides of this topic for clarification and consistency. 的 Post Implementation Review (PIR) performed on Statement 33 determined that, 一般, the statement was effective. 抽搐 believes that it would be easier to address the issues identified than to create a new unfamiliar methodology that really doesn’t appear to be consistent with 政府al transactions.