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Professional Insights

Bouncing back: How to recoup after a busy season

Oct 01, 2023 · 4 min read · AICPA & CIMA Insights Blog

当这个漫长的繁忙季节结束时,我们会发现夏天变得更加温暖和明亮. When crossing that proverbial finish line, I acknowledge freedom that leaves me feeling spacious, accomplished and abundant. Busy seasons (especially this one) can be hard, but we all come out a little stronger, wiser and more learned each year.

一旦你感受到了这种自由,你是否会对如何利用这段自由时间感到有点困惑? 在你躺在最近的沙发上看Netflix马拉松之前,恢复你的身体、思想和灵魂.

我不是戴夫·布鲁贝克(Dave Brubeck),但今天的帖子包括我演唱的“第5段”.” I invite you to explore my Take 5 Method to come alive again. You dedicate a lot of time, energy and knowledge to your work. After the busy season, 允许自己在这个过渡时期自私一点,优先考虑什么能让你回归自我.

你是否在想,“我离开这么久了,我怎么能这么自私??” Consider the quote, “Be selfish to become selfless.” By caring for yourself today, you’re setting yourself up to be a better colleague, family member and contributor in society.

The Take 5 Method

  1. Take time to celebrate
    Before we go further, 花点时间来感谢你在过去几个月里的奉献和辛勤工作. 每个旺季都有挑战,你的贡献会影响最终的产出. Go you!

    Empowered action: Do a happy dance, book a spa day, 出去跑步或做任何让你感觉好的事情来庆祝你所取得的成就. Also, while everything is fresh in your memory, 现在是起草你的自我评价和尊重你的积极努力的好时机.

  2. Take a break
    After working long nights and weekends, 我强烈建议连续休息几天,做一些让你的心脏感觉良好的事情. 不管你在做什么,你都应该尽量避免收发工作邮件. (Besides, it’s not taking a break if you’re still connected!)

    In busier periods, it can be routine to check work email. 但真正脱离工作是精神焕发和沮丧之间的区别. It’s important to enjoy a relaxing vacation without stressing about work.

    Empowered action: Set expectations with your team well in advance. Find coverage to answer email while you are out of the office. If impossible, see how you can limit work during your time away. In my CPA days, I would advise my team to text me in the event of an emergency; otherwise, I didn’t look at my email. That way, 我被允许不扫描我的收件箱,并且有一个清晰的流程来在紧急情况下支持团队. This sets a clear boundary and also makes you a team player. (额外提示:确保你的“不在办公室”信息包括紧急情况下的联系人.)

  3. Take the initiative to rekindle the spark with loved ones
    While you’ve been working, your loved ones missed you. 忙碌后的季节是向家人和朋友表达爱意的好时机. I like the idea of sending postcards or personalized letters. 这是一种简短而甜蜜的方式,可以让别人知道你关心他们.

    Empowered action: Come home early to make a homemade meal, 打扫房子,或者用其他简单的服务行为来支持朋友和家人. 这是你对在你需要的时候支持你的亲人的感谢. 服务行为也会让你所爱的人感到安心,因为他们知道你回到了他们的生活中,能够再次做出贡献. Small gestures often mean the most.

  4. Take control (of you)
    现在是时候安排你想要的健康的日常生活了,你可能在繁忙的季节没有时间. 在你容易养成睡懒觉或刷社交媒体的习惯之前, take control of your health. 每天散步,做健康的家常菜或创建一个个人的 stress management strategy.

    Empowered action: With warmer weather and an early sunrise working in your favor, summer is a great time to seize the day. There’s no better time than now! 如果这是你想要的,但你感到困惑或不清楚从哪里开始,寻求支持. Contact a coach, mentor, 指导或值得信赖的朋友,让你过上有意义的生活, fulfillment and great health.

  5. Take two
    Now that you have a moment to yourself, begin to look forward. Today is always a second chance to live a more aligned life.

    What do you desire over the next 6–12 months. 为了实现这一目标,你现在可以采取哪些小步骤呢? 也许你想为你的第一套房子融资,或者为升职做准备. 这是一个完美的时间来展望未来,为自己设定正确的方向. 即使是偏离航向1度的船也无法到达最终目的地. 你必须确切地知道你要去哪里,并制定一个行动计划.

    Empowered action: Create a post-busy season journal about what you achieved, 你意识到了什么,明年你想做什么不同的事情. Create a goal plan that aligns with your personal, professional, health, 关系和财务目标,到2020年令人难以置信的结束.

    休息5分钟后,我保证你会感到神清气爽,为接下来的事情做好准备. When I coach my clients through the Take 5 Method, 他们回到自己的个人和职业生活中,感觉更加充实, inspired and content.

If I can offer any advice, it’s to TAKE ACTION! This Take 5 Method is powerful and simple. 放松、恢复和感觉更像你自己不需要完美. 在你内心深处,你确切地知道在几个月的努力工作后需要什么来恢复活力. Whether you invite one or five of the actions into your life, know that you are taking a positive step in the right direction.

As the year rolls forward, commit to doing something different. Make a sacred promise to yourself. Don’t just bounce back after a busy season; commit to a thriving comeback and watch how your world positively unfolds!

Lauren Baptiste, CPA

Lauren Baptiste, CEO and Creative Founder of Acheloa Wellness, is a transformational stress expert, 注重在企业组织中赋予女性权力. 劳伦了解职业倦怠的影响及其对个人的残余影响, the organization and the industry. 她的整体解决方案激励客户重新回到他们的自然节奏,实现个人和职业的平衡, 虽然她的项目侧重于提高组织的收入目标,同时减少中高层管理女性领导人的流动率.

作为一个在四大会计师事务所工作了10年的人, 劳伦亲身经历了我们的员工目前面临的许多挑战. 劳伦的方法通过克服职业上的障碍,给人一种赋权的感觉, health, relationships and lack of spirit. 她的方法将现代和传统的做法与现代自然健康方法相结合,即使是最忙碌的客户也能体验到强大的转变.

Lauren collaborates and co-creates with Fortune 500 companies, international organizations, not for profits and start-up organizations, covering a diverse background of industries and needs. 她还为个人提供鼓舞人心的指导计划. Lauren is a New York State CPA and certified in stress, cultures of wellness, hormonal health and Ayurveda.

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