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Technological advancements in the accounting and finance profession have required finance professionals to adapt and expand their skill sets. Those who can adapt can support business growth and discover better career opportunities.

金融的未来2.研究新兴188bet亚洲真人体育下载 paper looks at how finance has been affected by recent global changes that have been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic and discusses the skills needed to progress and improve the accounting profession.

美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载的研发团队 & CIMA® worked with companies, regulators and experts to determine what employers and businesses need. 的y also examined the duties and abilities of accounting and finance professionals and the reasons the industry is changing. 通过采访和圆桌会议, 研究人员确定了几个关键的新兴188bet亚洲真人体育下载, 包括金融角色的变化, 数字化, 可持续性和工作场所的演变.

的 research reveals how these key themes and other factors have increased the significance of business partnering within the evolving finance function.

的 role of finance is constantly evolving and growing in response to today's ever-changing landscape. 金融 professionals must adapt to expanding responsibilities to ensure that financial operations remain efficient and effective while also maintaining a keen eye on the future and anticipating potential challenges.


Gone are the days when finance duties were solely about keeping track of financial records and generating reports. Now, businesses task 管理 accountants with creating value for their organisations.

幸运的是, 先进的技术使许多日常工作自动化, freeing up time and resources for more strategic activities and collaborations.

的 finance industry is experiencing growth and exerting influence in various areas such as technology, 可持续性, 和领导能力, showing how finance is shifting and adjusting to the changing needs and demands of the industry.

188bet亚洲真人体育下载的 & CIMA 金融的未来 research programme outlines upcoming developments in finance and accounting and the necessary skills for finance professionals in the future.


随着金融业的发展, 企业必须适应和改变他们的财务管理策略.

Companies must examine current practices and implement new approaches that align with emerging trends and shifting markets to position themselves for long-term success and 可持续性.

“这在很大程度上取决于跳出思维定势。”, 丽贝卡·麦卡弗里说, FCMA, CGMA, 副技术总监, 美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载的研究和发展 & CIMA. “会计师来自一个非常受规则驱动的职业. 在过去的几年里, 世界已经彻底改变了, 我们必须学会用不同的方式做事。”.

的 research paper examines how changes in finance impact businesses in various ways:

  • 取样频率: 进步s in technology allow finance to play a crucial role in managing company data. 金融 professionals can analyse this data to provide valuable insights that benefit businesses. 借助科技, 金融部门可以在数据战略等领域发挥带头作用, 管理, 质量控制和治理.

  • 可持续性: 金融 is leading the charge in highlighting the importance of 可持续性 and achieving environmental, 社会和治理(ESG)目标. 这种对可持续性的关注扩大了金融的作用, requiring accountants to analyse new data sets to gain insights and interact with a broader range of stakeholders.

  • 工作场所的进化: 的 COVID-19 pandemic created a shift towards long-term remote and hybrid working arrangements. 尽管有这样的变化, finance professionals are still actively engaging with other departments instead of working independently on 分析 and reporting tasks, 促成协作,帮助企业更好地协同工作.

‘It's about adopting a more creative mindset, being more innovative and challenging the rules now ... 也许我们一直以来的做法并不是唯一的方法. 的re's an opportunity to challenge and do things differently’, 说McCaffry.

Management accountants and finance professionals are evolving into tech-savvy analysts, 决策者和合作者. 的y are improving and growing companies from within by supporting new ways of working and changing standard business models to achieve success.


Future finance teams will be composed of generalist and specialist positions that demand a combination of technical expertise and enabling skills like communication and collaboration.

Team members must possess a range of abilities to successfully navigate the ever-changing financial landscape and meet the needs of today's businesses.

随着数字化重塑金融业, 分析, 讲故事和说服是抢手的技能. 专业人士还必须了解数据策略等领域, 管理, 质量保证, 治理和传统金融专业知识才能取得成功.

可持续性现在是大多数金融工作的重要组成部分, 要求改进分析, 批判性思维和决策. Accountants are responsible for sharing ESG value creation stories and actively measuring and managing intangible value. 理解 ESG基础 帮助企业制定战略和可持续行动是否重要.

金融 professionals partner more with other departments as the industry evolves. 学习 财务业务合作要点 提高技能和战略的关键是推动商业成功吗.

把工作做好, it is important to possess desirable skills including creativity for innovative solutions to complex problems, communication and collaboration for effective teamwork and adaptability to changing business environments and strategies.

“会计师扮演着重要的角色, 但有很多创新来自于与他人的合作。, 说McCaffry.

‘It's important to recognise that great ideas can come from outside of finance ... 他们可以来自组织外部。”.

下载 金融的未来2.研究新兴188bet亚洲真人体育下载 paper to explore in-depth insights into the transformative changes occurring in the financial sector and the required skill sets for accounting and finance professionals.

金融的未来 research programme will continue to delve into the latest industry developments and themes through upcoming papers.

小威廉·卡特., M.F.A.

小威廉·卡特. 是美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载的内容写手 & CIMA, together as the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants.









