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2023年11月15日·3分钟阅读·188bet亚洲真人体育下载 & CIMA Insights博客

可持续性, which includes the three pillars of ESG (environmental, 社会及管治), greatly shapes an organization’s strategies and business model, and the more executives understand this symbiotic relationship, 他们的企业就越有弹性. 在这段通往商业弹性的旅程中, 商业领袖会收集, analyze and gain valuable insights from troves of data that, 当报道, need to be reliable and credible because it’s used by management, 资本市场和其他利益相关者团体.

As companies implement sustainability initiatives — and consider the impact of sustainability issues on their operations and business model — tracking, 将需要报告和取得保证. Accounting and finance professionals are well positioned to perform these functions as their expertise is needed in this emerging area.

“Both private and public companies will find that there is growing demand for some level of ESG knowledge and action,艾米·比尔斯说, 188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址, CGMA, 高级主管, 鉴证与咨询创新. “This is coming from regulations, suppliers, customers and employees. 测量, reporting and assurance are in the wheelhouse of what accountants do and there will be an expectation over the next few years for accountants to be involved and actually lead the effort.”

But the responsibilities of this role and sustainability-related regulations are continually evolving. 在线2023 188bet亚洲真人体育下载® & CIMA®环境、社会和治理 & 可持续发展大会12月. 13–14, will be your springboard for the latest developments and resources to help you effectively navigate and provide insights into the ongoing and significant future implications.


Accounting and finance professionals will take on various roles and responsibilities to help their organizations focus on sustainability and become more resilient. Management accountants support the integration of ESG initiatives into their organizations’ corporate strategies and then measure their overall performance and impact. As organizational responses to sustainability issues affect the intangible value of an organization, management accountants can use the information and data gathered to influence decision making and resource allocation.

你需要知道怎么做 be an active contributor in your organization's sustainability discussions or in discussions with your clients.

As part of your organization’s (or your client’s) sustainability commitments, leadership may start tracking their greenhouse gas emissions, as well as the emissions of their suppliers and customers, 请你们的专业知识来协助 碳会计. Emissions reporting relies on accurate data collection and estimation from various sources. 要想成功, you’ll need to understand the process and standards to enable accurate measurement of your organization’s carbon footprint.

Once sustainability data has been measured and reported, 该等资料的保证 builds trust with external stakeholder groups that the sustainability-related financial information is accurate. Third-party assurance will be required for climate and sustainability-related disclosures per new regulations such as the European Union’s Corporate 可持续性 Reporting Directive or the anticipated rules from the U.S. 美国证券交易委员会.

“We will have providers discussing today’s environment for assurance as well as a company preparer discussing their experience with their assurance engagement that was performed by a 188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址 and how it is different than other providers of assurance,比尔斯说, who recently discussed the latest on ESG compliance on the Journal of Accountancy Podcast.


As the momentum around ESG and sustainability standards, 政策法规加快推进, 的环境、社会和治理 & 可持续发展大会 provides an invaluable opportunity to learn successful sustainability strategies. 另外, each session will provide practical information you can apply directly to your role and that can assist with your organization’s goal of becoming more resilient.

Be part of the sustainability conversation at the virtual 2023 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 & CIMA环境、社会和治理 & 可持续发展大会, 你将在哪里与行业专家联系, 了解最新趋势, learn the latest sustainability developments and access resources to work alongside your organization’s leadership. The two-day, live online conference kicks off on Wednesday12月. 13. 今天注册. 提前报名优惠11月结束. 30.

查看我们的连续 updated sustainability and ESG resources, learning, news and advocacy.


协会简介: 加州气候信息披露法.B. 253和S.B. 261 (资源)
ESG and Sustainable Financial Strategy Course – in partnership with the University of Oxford Saïd Business School (学习)
ESG证书基础 (学习)
基础碳核算 (网上学习)
Attestation Engagements on 可持续性 Information (Including Greenhouse Gas Emissions Information and 气候-Related Financial Disclosures (权威指南)
Global benchmarking study – State of Play in 可持续性 Assurance (资源)

贝丝Roessner, M.A.

贝丝·罗斯纳是美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载的资深内容作家 & CIMA, together as the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants.


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