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As recent graduates prepare to trade their caps and gowns for blazers and button downs, businesses must also prepare to welcome this influx of new talent. It’s incumbent on managers to understand what makes this generation tick, 他们对商业的期望是什么, 以及他们热衷的问题.

应届毕业生是在一个复杂的世界中长大的, 在911事件后长大, 2008年的金融危机, “我也是”运动, 一场流行病颠覆了他们的大学教育.

Both broadly and individually, these and other influences have profoundly impacted Gen Zers' lives. 现在, they're carrying their perspectives with them into the workforce.


To help us understand generational differences in values and moral principles, 哈里斯民意调查公司代表美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载进行了一项调查 & CIMA检查 对商业道德的认知. 我们探讨了当前的工人, 高管, and future talent prioritize ethical behavior and where there are gaps.

We consolidated our findings into takeaways to help today's employers meet and harness the expectations of tomorrow's business leaders.


Gen Zers and Millennials are passionate about making a positive impact on the world. They are eager to tackle big challenges like climate change, 企业的贪婪, 歧视, 骚扰, and pay inequity – and expect their employers to do the same.

对他们来说,行动比语言更响亮. A clear plurality of future talent respondents (aged 20-30) cite “taking action” as the most meaningful way to show an organization is performing ethically, 在10多个可能的选择中.

But what does action look like in the face of controversy or an ethical dilemma?

Our survey data revealed that corporate bromides like statements from CEOs are "check box" items that are not enough to demonstrate a meaningful commitment to ethical behavior. So, before you scramble to release a statement or performance report, 与员工坦诚地谈论困境, and use this as an opportunity to reinforce key principles in your code of conduct. Clearly communicate the actions your company is taking to prevent similar lapses in the future, 例如更新报告和遵从性策略.

In addition to societal challenges and expectations for an organization to act ethically, managers must also understand the daily ethical decisions that young talent face. This includes practical workplace challenges like navigating technology, 薪酬透明度, 打击歧视和骚扰.


This cohort is the first generation of true digital natives born into the era of high-speed internet, 智能手机, 还有社交媒体. Z世代的员工可能希望雇主能很快接受 新兴技术 趋势, but there is an expectation that employers will have guardrails for using technology ethically.

Data privacy and security are among the top five concerns for future talent, 这一代人出生在海量数据收集的时代. Younger workers especially are more aware than their predecessors of the potential risks involved in data sharing, and they expect companies to handle customers' personal information responsibly.

While ChatGPT didn't exist when earlier generations joined the workforce, machine learning and artificial intelligence present new challenges for today’s workforce.

Managers must support innovation while acknowledging this generation’s concerns about appropriate technology use and safeguards. We didn’t have to think about or understand AI when we joined the workforce, 但是这一代人. Are we prepared to enforce policies and best practices surrounding the use of AI technology?

随着技术的发展和进步, 确保你提供的信息清晰, principle-based guidelines about the ethical risks and consequences technology introduces.


Long gone are the days when workplace compensation was a taboo subject. 现在, job seekers are demanding employers disclose this information, and they’re having these conversations with their peers and colleagues. Economic uncertainty and higher cost of living have made 薪酬透明度 a norm in many workplaces, while legislation has made it a requirement in at least seven states.

薪酬透明度是人才获取的一个新因素, with 26% of Gen Z respondents citing it as a reason to consider a workplace, 相比之下,婴儿潮一代的这一比例为19%. These results are a clear indication that sharing salary information, 就薪酬问题进行更坦诚的讨论, are more likely to be viewed not only as ethical by an increasing number of young workers, 但这是招聘高素质年轻人才的要求. While some managers may feel conflicted about topics like this, they should be ready to address discussions about 薪酬透明度.


Managing Gen Z means embracing a generation that values ethics and transparency. To meet their expectations, we must confront the tough questions of today, including 一些、同工同酬、数据保护和工作场所不当行为. We can build on these values and empower new employees by fostering a culture of openness and communication.

从第一天起就设定明确的期望, we can establish a strong foundation for our organizations and ensure we're meeting the needs of future talent.

这是否意味着要改进你的道德培训计划, facilitating round-table discussions about ethical behavior, 或者角色扮演棘手的情况, 让我们不要回避这些挑战. Let’s confront them head-on and lead the way in advancing business ethics.

从大学到职业道路的过渡是一大步, 而是开放的沟通和合作, we can begin to navigate these challenges for ourselves and help bridge the gap for the ethical ambassadors of tomorrow.

要了解更多关于商业道德的状况,请探索 主要亮点 然后阅读 执行概要.


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