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2023年12月14日·3分钟阅读·188bet亚洲真人体育下载 & CIMA Insights博客

Effective revenue planning allows you to set realistic goals and identify opportunities to increase revenue by offering new services or expanding your firm’s client base.

磨石集团和美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载 & CIMA私人公司执业组(pps) 收益建模工具包 assists with revenue planning based on three factors: net new business, 一次性的项目, 以及客户流失.

收益建模工作表收入规划基本概念视频— together as the pps收益建模工具包 —guide you in developing strategic goals that are specific to your firm's business strategy and revenue goals through analysis for revenue planning and key performance indicators.


Detailed data regarding your firm’s expenses and past revenue are two internal factors that inform decisions for your future revenue targets. 此外,你还需要:

  • Identify your target market — Which clientele would your firm like to reach based on the capacity of resources and services you provide?

  • Understand current clients’ needs and preferences — For example, 你的客户更喜欢面对面还是在线会议?

  • Assess any changes in accounting standards or procedures that may affect service offerings.

"Revenue modeling should be reflective of the firm's [business] strategy,嘉莉·斯特芬说, 188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址, co-founder and president of the Whetstone Group and creator of the 收益建模工具包. "We need to have a pretty clear vision of who do we want to serve, 我们想为(客户)做些什么?."

External factors that will influence your revenue plan include:

  • Market demand, which reflects a client’s interest in your firm

  • 显示市场方向的商业和行业趋势

  • Business indicators that reflect how your firm is performing

  • 目标受众决定客户

  • State and federal regulations that affect the accounting profession

另一个关键因素是产能, which Steffen explains is the ability to offer a service or the amount of services your firm can provide to clients.

“Having the ability to deliver based on the capacity that we have available from our [team] and paying attention to how they’re doing — do they seem burned out or stressed out? 这是非常重要的,”斯蒂芬说.

Key performance indicators to stay aligned with your revenue plan

指标, 比如客户数量的减少, profit margins and return on investment for marketing campaigns reveal how effective revenue planning strategies are for your firm.

Calculating the revenue growth rate involves measuring how much your firm's sales have grown during a particular time frame, showing you how your revenue planning efforts are helping your firm grow overall.

"的 revenue [modeling] toolkit offers some metrics that firms can look at regularly to give them some data ... 其中之一就是管道报告。.

A comprehensive pipeline report should include an overview of your firm’s current revenue state, 包括正在进行的活动的数量, 他们的发展阶段, 以及每一个的值.

"Pipeline reporting is really one of the few leading indicators of success that firms have available. 其他的都是滞后指标, 但我们的管道应该帮助我们展望未来,说, 'OK, do we have the right amount of activity inside of our pipeline to help us meet our revenue goal?' "

Aligning revenue plans with your firm’s business strategy gives you a clear vision of how you want your firm to grow, helping you develop revenue strategies that support your firm’s overall objectives. Firm leaders should communicate clearly with their staff to ensure everyone understands the firm’s strategic goals.

"Firms sort of forget or miss their opportunity to really set clear strategies and make sure that everyone in the firm understands what they are. Revenue planning is most successful when there's intent behind it, 这就是策略的用武之地 ... everything needs to be in alignment and supporting each other,斯蒂芬说.

的 收益建模工作表 is invaluable for firms planning or reorganizing their revenue efforts with intention. 有了这个工具, you can effectively articulate your revenue goals and identify potential areas for improvement, leading to informed decisions that maximize your firm’s revenue targets.

的 Revenue Planning: Foundational Concepts video (15-minute run time) features Steffen as she delves into the revenue planning process and provides insights and walk-throughs on using the revenue modeling worksheet effectively.

"的 toolkit not only helps firms understand where revenue comes from, but it also gives them some insight into what they need to do in order to generate it,斯蒂芬说. 您也可以将这些工具与 五步筛选过程pps正确调整您的客户基础工具包, which offers resources to streamline your client base and improve overall efficiency.

了解更多关于如何 pps收益建模工具包 can optimize your revenue planning strategies by developing effective actions and making informed decisions to drive your firm forward.

小威廉·卡特., M.F.A.

小威廉·卡特. 是美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载的内容写手 & CIMA, together as the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants.


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