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Personal SWOT analysis advances professional growth

Dec 21, 2023 · 2 min read · 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 & CIMA Insights Blog

Personal development is essential to staying relevant in a world where tech advancements and economic uncertainty demand adaptability. You’re most likely to succeed if you use your talents to their fullest.

第一步? Assessing yourself honestly in your current career stage with the tried-and-true SWOT (strengths, 弱点, 机会, threats) analysis.

Sure, you’ve done them a hundred times from your organization’s or department’s perspective. Turns out, the same techniques are beneficial at the individual level. A personal SWOT analysis requires a moment of reflection, an honest self-accounting, and a reconciliation of blind spots. Those actions empower you to build a strategy for the next steps in your career and your life.

So how do you identify your vital qualities? Let’s review the elements of a good SWOT analysis with a lens focused on the human level. We’ll cover more about the process at our upcoming Corporate 金融 and Controllers track 在188bet亚洲真人体育下载® & CIMA® ENGAGE 2024, June 3–6.

Start your personal SWOT analysis by dividing a sheet of paper or a digital document into four sections — one for each topic. Ask yourself the following questions and write down your answers:

Strengths that keep your engine running

  • 什么’s your competitive edge in relation to others? (for example, skills, connections, education, certifications)

  • 什么 values and culture do you believe in that others fail to exhibit?

  • 什么 achievements are you most proud of?

Consider strengths from your viewpoint and the people around you. Include strengths related to your natural talent, work experience, and skills. Starting the process with strengths can boost your self-confidence and make you happier and more fulfilled at work.

If you find identifying your strengths difficult, write down your characteristics. Some of these are likely to be strengths.

Weaknesses that you should monitor or resolve

  • 什么 tasks do you usually avoid because you lack confidence when doing them?

  • 什么 would people around you see as your 弱点?

  • Are you overwhelmed by stress and unsure about how to handle stress positively?

Again, explore your answers from a personal and external lens. Do other people see 弱点 in you that you don’t? Are you being outperformed by colleagues in key areas? Be pragmatic — it’s best to be upfront so you can resolve any challenges.

Opportunities that fuel your fire

  • Is there a need in your organization that no one’s filling? Can you step in by setting SMART goals?

  • Do you have a network of strategic contacts to help you or offer good advice?

  • Are you receiving complaints from customers or vendors about an issue in your company? If so, can you create an opportunity by offering a solution?

Review your strengths and reflect on whether these open up other 机会. Look at your 弱点 and consider whether you can create further openings by eliminating those 弱点.

Threats that keep you on your toes

  • Is your profession changing?

  • Is your job changing?

  • 什么 obstacles do you currently face at work? Can your manager be a sounding board and offer 反馈?

A SWOT analysis puts a problem into perspective so that you can identify actions to achieve your personal and professional development goals.

Becoming your best professional self with the Corporate 金融 and Controllers track

In addition to the personal SWOT analysis session, the Corporate 金融 and Controllers track at ENGAGE 24 covers a variety of other topics, including advancing tech, strategy planning, and equipping yourself with the vision and tools you need to advance your leadership and operations. And you can connect with other finance leaders, controllers, and analysts. Personal and professional growth is at the heart of 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 & CIMA ENGAGE 24.

通商Ampoma, FCIPR

通商Ampoma is a senior content writer at 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 & CIMA, together as the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants.

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