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Bankruptcy at a glance: chapter 11, subchapter V | FVS at a glance

Jan 08, 2021 · 3 min read





The Small Business Reorganization Act (“SBRA”), created a subchapter to Chapter 11 bankruptcy, known as Subchapter V (five) (“Sub-V”). The subchapter became effective in February 2020, and available to companies with debt of less than $2.7 million. Effective February 19, 2020, the CARES Act modified the debt limit and raised it to $7.5 million (through March 2021), opening the door to a significant number of additional businesses.

What changed?

A typical Chapter 11 bankruptcy is well known to be a

Download the Bankruptcy at a glance chapter 11 subchapter-v

File name: bankruptcy-at-a-glance-chapter-11-subchapter-v.pdf

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