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Increase accountability in your firm

Sep 30, 2023 · 2 min read

The AICPA’s Private Companies Practice Section (PCPS) has partnered with Reality-Based Leadership to create firm-focused resources to diffuse workplace friction and increase accountability. These resources bring self-awareness, structure and clarity, leading to a more engaged and accountable firm culture. Implement these resources in your firm today for a more accountable culture tomorrow.

Creating engaging firms with shared accountability
Employee engagement action-planning with your team is an excellent opportunity to introduce accountability. When the focus is only on what the firm or a specific manager needs to improve the working environment, a culture of entitlement can develop. To lead your employees to high levels of engagement, add an element of accountability into their action-planning efforts.

From resistance to success with Negative Brainstorming
“Negative brainstorming” is a useful tool for transitioning a team from resistance to success despite their present circumstances. Negative brainstorming provides a constructive way to get concerns out on the table and give dissent a healthy place within a team dynamic.

Gain insights for your firm with the Employee Value Self-Assessment
Your employees’ value to the firm is no longer just about their technical skills or performance. It is based on their ability to bring value to the firm. To gain an understanding of the value they bring, ask staff members to evaluate themselves with the Employee Value Self-Assessment.

Improve your next one-on-one meeting
For smaller firms, it is ideal to have one-on-one meetings with your employees weekly. This keeps you, as a manager, abreast of issues or concerns as they arise and your employees always know when their next schedule one-on-one is, so they can accumulate their noncritical questions for the meeting.

Streamlining the “you got a minute?” meeting
The Situation, Background, Assessment, and Recommendations (SBAR) model brings structure to interactions between a manager and their staff. It guides staff members thought processes in an efficient manner and quickly allows a manager to process a situation. Follow these step-by-step instructions to get started today.

Incorporate accountability into your firm's interviewing process
There are five core competencies which are critical to incorporating accountability into firms and achieving positive business results; personal accountability, reality-based thinking, capitalizing on change, firm alignment, and driving results. Firms can improve efficiency, uncover the untapped resource of human potential, and turn excuses into results by incorporating these five competencies into their interviewing process and hiring personally accountable employees.

Workplace engagement through accountability
Watch this excerpt from the August 12th Town Hall Series as Reality-Based Leadership’s Alex Dorr joins Lisa Simpson, the AICPA’s VP of Firm Services and Eric Asgeirsson,’s CEO, to discuss workplace drama and how to create an engaged and accountable firm culture.

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