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IRS collection guidance and resources


美国国税局关于收款过程的程序会受到间歇性偏差的影响. For the latest developments, check out the latest news from The Tax Adviser.


向国税局欠税的纳税人可能无法立即支付税款. Use this toolkit to understand all the procedural aspects of the IRS collection process and identify if a payment arrangement could potentially be reached.

The Taxpayer Roadmap

The Taxpayer Advocate Service provides an illustrated map of the modern U.S. Tax System displays at a very high level the stages of a taxpayer’s journey, from getting answers to tax law questions, all the way through audits, appeals, collection and litigation.

AICPA guidance

Guides, quick reference charts and more

Contacting the IRS FAQs


How to use the IRS Online Payment Agreement Tool


IRS Collection Appeal Options

区分不同的催收上诉程序:, Collection Due Process (CDP) and Equivalent Hearings.

IRS first-time penalty abatement guidance


IRS Hotlines Quick Reference Chart


IRS Payment Agreements Guide

Access high-level guidance about various types of IRS payment agreements, such as installment agreements, short-term extensions and offers in compromise.

IRS Penalty Abatement Templates


IRS third-party authorization guidance


IRS letter templates

IRS Letter to Request Case Transfer from Private Collection Agency


IRS Letter to Request Installment Agreement and Appeal

Request an installment agreement and, if necessary, 在国税局进行额外的收款活动(留置权或征税)之前,进行一次收款上诉程序(CAP)听证会.

IRS Letter to Request Reinstatement of Installment Agreement and Appeal

请求客户终止的美国国税局分期付款协议被恢复,并请求收款上诉计划(CAP)听证会, if needed.

IRS guidance


表格433-A,工资收入者和自雇人士收款信息表, and Instructions
Use to obtain financial information for a wage earner or self-employed taxpayer (often only used if specifically requested by a Revenue Officer; Form 433-F, Collection Information Statement, is usually the preferred form).

Form 433-B, Collection Information Statement for Businesses, and Instructions

Form 433-D, Installment Agreement
A business may use this form to request an installment agreement.

Form 433-F, Collection Information Statement
用于获取当前所需的财务信息,以确定工资收入者或自雇纳税人如何偿还未偿税款. Note: Not all agreements require a collection information statement.

Form 656 Booklet
Use to understand and apply for an offer in compromise.

Form 9423, Collection Appeal Request
Use to appeal various collection actions, such as a lien or levy.

Form 9465, Installment Agreement Request, and Instructions

Form 12153, Request for Collection Due Process or Equivalent Hearing
Use to appeal various collection actions. Note: Evaluate the use of a CAP hearing versus a CDP hearing.

Use to request that the IRS withdraw a lien.

Form 13711, Request for Appeal of Offer in Compromise
Use to appeal a rejected offer in compromise.

Form 14134, Application for Certificate of Subordination of Federal Tax Lien
Subordination means the IRS gives another creditor the right to be paid before the tax lien is paid; use this form to request subordination.

The IRS may discharge a tax lien from an asset to allow a sale to occur; use this form to request a discharge.


Publication 594, The IRS Collection Process

Publication 4518, 当国税局将您的帐户分配给私人催收机构时,您可以期待什么


This suite of web-based tools allows practitioners and taxpayers to complete certain transactions online; it is often most valuable to practitioners to request and receive client transcripts.

IRS Automated Chat Bot
This IRS chat bot assists taxpayers with information on paying their taxes, collection alternatives, general collection FAQs, 常见的收集188bet亚洲真人体育下载和其他有关收集188bet亚洲真人体育下载的有用链接. To initiate the chat bot, 向下滚动页面,直到应用程序在计算机屏幕的右下角弹出,并提供“开始对话”选项.”

Offer In Compromise Pre-Qualifier
Use to see if a taxpayer may be eligible for an offer in compromise; enter financial information and tax filing status to calculate a preliminary offer amount.

Online Payment Agreement Tool

Your Online Account

Other resources

Collection Financial Standards
Use to help determine a taxpayer's ability to pay a delinquent tax liability; this includes national standards for food, clothing and allowable living expenses and other expenses.

Internal Revenue Manual Part 5. Collecting Process
美国国税局的官方手册,包含现场收集程序的程序, case processing, offers in compromise, notices and levies, installment agreements and more.

IRS videos

Private Collection of Overdue Taxes

Private Debt Collection
本IRS指导页面提供有关IRS计划的信息,该计划授权某些承包商收集, on the government's behalf, outstanding inactive tax debt.